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Spotlight on Rachel Dignam Kehoe: Excelling in Recruitment and Client Connections

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Meet Rachel Dignam Kehoe, a Recruitment Consultant who has been with Matrix Recruitment for the past year, helping clients find the right talent while guiding candidates through their career journeys.

In this spotlight, we’ll explore Rachel's background, delve into the skills that fuels her success in recruitment, and uncover the passions that inspire her both in and out of work.

1. What is your background?

I studied Marketing & Digital Media in college and have been working in Recruitment for the past two years.

2. Can you describe your current role - what's your typical day-to-day?

My day-to-day responsibilities include sourcing candidates through job postings, databases, and headhunting. I also conduct interviews, screen applications, and build and maintain relationships with clients to understand their hiring needs. Additionally, I handle administrative tasks such as updating databases, conducting compliance checks, and formatting CVs. Throughout the hiring process, I provide support to candidates.

3. What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy being part of someone's career progression and getting the chance to speak with new people every day, learning about their career backgrounds and aspirations.

4. You’ve been part of the Matrix Recruitment team for 1 year now. What is your favourite thing about the team, and what are the key reasons you’ve stayed with the company?

The team is incredibly friendly, and there's always someone available to offer a helping hand when needed.

5. What advice would you give to someone who would like to become a Recruitment Consultant?

Develop strong communication and relationship-building skills. Additionally, gaining a deep understanding of the industry you're recruiting for will be key to your success.

6. What are the 3 key skills you need to excel as a Recruitment Consultant?

  1. Effective communication

  2. Hard work and dedication

  3. Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment

7. What would you regard as your greatest achievement to date?

Paying off my car loan!

8. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Sometimes life gives you what you need, not what you want.

9. What hobbies/interests do you have outside of work?

I love spending time outdoors on the farm with my boyfriend and our fur baby, Bear.

10. What are you watching/reading at the moment?

I’m currently watching All American.

11. If you had one superpower, what would it be?

I’d choose the ability to read minds—it would be incredibly useful in recruitment to understand what clients and candidates truly want.

12 What’s your favourite sport to watch, and which team do you root for?

I enjoy watching hurling, and I support Tipperary.

13. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Night owl.

14. Who inspires you?

My mam.

15. What’s your favourite place you’ve ever visited?



Rachel’s experience highlights the importance of upholding high standards in recruitment and client relationships. As we continue to navigate the dynamic world of talent acquisition, Rachel’s expertise and commitment serve as an inspiration for those aspiring to thrive in this vital profession.

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