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Leadership Lessons from Trump and Harris: What We Can Learn from Two Distinct Approaches

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​As the 2024 presidential election heats up, all eyes are on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Beyond the political stage, their leadership styles offer valuable insights that can be applied in the workplace. Whether you’re a manager, team leader, or an aspiring professional, understanding how these two prominent figures lead can provide inspiration and lessons for your own career.

Donald Trump: The Bold and Unconventional Leader

Donald Trump’s leadership style is bold, direct, and often unconventional. Drawing from his background in business and media, Trump’s approach emphasises decisiveness, personal branding, and a results-oriented mindset.

Key Traits of Trump’s Leadership Style:

  1. Authoritative and Decisive: Trump’s top-down leadership style is characterised by swift decision-making and a no-nonsense approach. He values quick results and often pushes his team to deliver under tight timelines. This authoritative style can be highly effective in situations that require clear direction and fast action.

  2. Charismatic and Influential: Known for his strong, charismatic presence, Trump uses his personality to captivate audiences and rally his base. His speeches and social media presence are designed to evoke strong emotions, often using rhetoric that is bold and unapologetic.

  3. Risk-Taking and Unafraid of Change: Trump is not afraid to take risks and challenge conventional norms. His willingness to disrupt the status quo, whether in business or politics, demonstrates a fearless approach that can inspire innovation and bold decision-making.

  4. Transactional and Results-Focused: Trump’s leadership is often transactional, valuing loyalty and performance. He rewards those who deliver and isn’t shy about making changes when results don’t meet his standards. This approach reinforces a culture of accountability.

Lessons for the Workplace:

  • Be Bold: Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks and challenge the norm. Bold decisions can lead to significant breakthroughs.

  • Communicate with Confidence: Whether leading a team or presenting an idea, confidence in communication can make a big difference.

  • Drive for Results: Keep your eye on the outcome and be willing to make tough calls when necessary.

Kamala Harris: The Empathetic and Collaborative Leader

Kamala Harris’s leadership style is shaped by her background as a prosecutor, senator, and Vice President. Known for her collaborative and empathetic approach, Harris emphasises the importance of inclusivity, resilience, and pragmatic problem-solving.

Key Traits of Harris’s Leadership Style:

  1. Collaborative and Inclusive: Harris values teamwork and seeks input from diverse voices. Her leadership style fosters a sense of inclusion, encouraging collaboration and consensus-building in decision-making processes.

  2. Empathetic and Relational: Harris is skilled at connecting with people on an emotional level, using stories and personal experiences to build rapport. Her empathetic approach makes her relatable and accessible, enhancing her ability to lead through understanding and compassion.

  3. Pragmatic and Focused on Solutions: With a background in law and a focus on justice, Harris is a pragmatic leader who prioritises evidence-based decision-making. She is known for her methodical approach to problem-solving, focusing on practical solutions rather than ideological positions.

  4. Calm and Composed Under Pressure: Harris consistently demonstrates composure in high-stress situations. Whether facing tough questions or debating policy, her ability to stay calm under pressure reflects a disciplined leadership style that values thoughtfulness and poise.

Lessons for the Workplace:

  • Lead with Empathy: Understanding and valuing the perspectives of your team can build stronger relationships and foster a positive work environment.

  • Encourage Collaboration: Seek input from others, value diverse perspectives, and work towards consensus. Collaboration often leads to more innovative and effective solutions.

  • Stay Composed: Maintaining composure in challenging situations helps build trust and ensures you can navigate obstacles with a clear mind.

Balancing Different Leadership Styles in the Workplace

Both Trump and Harris offer contrasting, yet valuable, leadership lessons that can be applied in any professional setting. While Trump’s boldness and decisiveness can drive quick action, Harris’s empathy and collaboration can build a strong, united team. Balancing these approaches—being decisive yet inclusive, bold yet empathetic—can help you become a more versatile and effective leader.

At Matrix Recruitment, we recognise the value of diverse leadership styles in the workplace. Whether you’re an employer looking to build a dynamic team or a candidate seeking to refine your leadership skills, understanding different approaches to leadership can help you navigate your career with confidence.