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Insights into 2024 Recruitment Trends with Breda Dooley, Head of Recruitment

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In today’s fast-evolving recruitment landscape, staying ahead of industry trends and adapting to new challenges is more important than ever. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Breda Dooley, Head of Recruitment at Matrix Recruitment, to gain insights into her role and the key trends shaping the recruitment sector in 2024. With over 24 years of experience with Matrix, Breda offers a wealth of knowledge on how the industry is transforming and the skills needed to thrive in this dynamic environment. From the impact of remote work to essential skills for success, Breda’s perspective provides valuable guidance for both aspiring recruitment professionals and seasoned experts alike.

1. Can you describe your current role – what's your typical day-to-day?

No two days are alike in my role as Head of Recruitment, and that’s what makes it so exciting. My day is filled with diverse tasks, from strategising recruitment approaches and managing client relationships to supporting and mentoring my team. With the rapid changes in recruitment trends, I’m always adapting and staying ahead of industry developments. Balancing multiple priorities and thinking strategically about our recruitment processes keeps me engaged and motivated.

2. You’ve been part of the Matrix Recruitment team for 24 years now. What is your favourite thing about the team and what are the key reasons you’ve stayed with the company so long?

The collaborative spirit at Matrix Recruitment is what I cherish the most. Our team thrives on sharing knowledge and expertise, which fosters a supportive and dynamic work environment. This culture of mutual support and continuous learning has been invaluable in adapting to the evolving recruitment landscape. The company’s commitment to professional development and innovation is a major reason why I’ve stayed for so long.

3. What advice would you give to someone who would like to work in the Recruitment industry?

Recruitment is incredibly rewarding, especially when you help someone land their dream job or assist a client in finding the perfect candidate. However, it’s crucial to understand that it requires resilience, adaptability, and patience. The industry is fast-paced and can be challenging, particularly with the new trends in AI, Automation, DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion), remote and hybrid work. Do your research, be prepared for the learning curve, and embrace the opportunity to develop new skills. Persistence is key, as results often take time to materialise. Recruitment is hard work ; it is also very enjoyable and fun.

4. What are the 3 key skills you need to excel in Recruitment?

  • Active Listening: Understanding the needs of both candidates and clients is fundamental. In today’s market, with the rise of remote and hybrid roles, it’s essential to listen carefully to nuanced requirements and preferences.

  • Adaptability: The recruitment sector is evolving rapidly, especially with technological advancements and shifting workforce trends. Staying open to new approaches and continuously developing your skills is crucial.

  • Organisational Skills: With the increasing complexity of recruitment processes, particularly in a digital and remote-first environment, effective organisation and multitasking are vital to manage multiple roles and client expectations efficiently.

5. What would you regard as your greatest achievement to date? (In work or your life in general)

On a personal level, my greatest achievement is raising my three daughters, who continue to inspire and motivate me. Professionally, I take pride in building a successful career in recruitment and leading a team that excels in delivering exceptional results in a rapidly changing industry.

6. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

My grandmother always advised me to save wisely and plan for the future. Her guidance to save diligently from a young age helped me purchase my first home and has influenced my approach to financial management. This practical wisdom has been a cornerstone of my personal and professional life, and I’ve shared it with my daughters to help them build a secure future.


As we navigate the complexities of the 2024 recruitment landscape, Breda Dooley’s insights underscore the importance of adaptability, continuous learning, and strong organisational skills. Whether you’re new to the field or looking to refine your expertise, embracing these trends and tips can set you on the path to success.

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